Act IV: French Scene 6
waspish action: spiteful gesture
tenure: message, tone, Silvius assumes the message to have an angry "tenor" or tone; In reality the contents are waspish (amorous) and she hopes her letter will establish tenure (hold or manner of holding possession) over Ganymede and being about her own "content" (sexual fulfillment).
swaggerer: quarrelsome fighter
beare this, beare all: if I can endure this, I can endure anything
faire: beautiful
Phenix: a mythical Arabian bird; the only one of its kind, it cremated itself and a new bird rose from the ashes.
'od's my will: may God's will be done
device: invention; with play on invention as a) literary composition and b) excrement
boysterous: vehement, violent, raging, furious
defies: challenges
She Phebes me: addresses me with her own customary distain
godhead: divine influence or nature, in reference to the name Ganymede as a god in human form
laid a part: set aside
Meaning me a beast: calling me an animal (since she says men could not injure her); Silvius could do her no vengeance (arouse reciprocal love), however Ganymede, who is not a man but a beast (A god or man, the first behaving like a sex-driven animal, the latter behaving with the sexual appetite of an animal). In Rosalind's deliberate misinterpretation, Phebe is vengeance, or Nemesis, the God of Revenge whom Jove ardently pursued in "all shapes of every animal".
chid: rebuked
move: pursuade
by him seale up thy minde: send a letter by him with your thoughts
kinde: natural affectation
faithfull offer take: Phebe makes Ganymede an offer (proposal of marriage). If Ganymede would take (marry) her he will be entitled to all the she can make meaning do, provide, become, give birth to, and earn.