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Act I: French Scene 2

Adam: Shakespeare is known to have played the role of Adam when the play was originally performed. 

it was upon this fashion bequeathed to me by will: it was given to me in my father's will and testament, my inheritance (described below)

poore a thousand Crownes: At this time a crown would be valued at four English shillings. "A thousand crownes" would be about 9 months salary for a skilled laborer but would not be a grand inheritance for a gentleman.

rustically: rude, ignorant, knowing nothing, untaught, not exercised in a skill or training

staies me heere at home unkept: in Shakespeare's England, most boys went to University at age fifteen or sixteen. Orlando is implying that he should be at university receiving his education but Oliver prevents him from doing so.

Hindes: skilled farm workers

mines my gentility with my education: Oliver chips away at Orlando's gentle/noble/upperclass breeding by refusing to send him to the proper educational institutions (university) for someone of his birth.

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