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Act I: French Scene 15

Prethee: I pray you

change: change of fortune

sorrows pale: [the heavens are] in shocked sympathy, dimmed in sympathy with our grief

meane: lowly

umber smirch: umber is dirt or a brown pigment to make them look like peasants, smirch meaning literally to tan, but more to dirty/roughen/spoil/ruin as in "besmirch someone's name"

more than common tall: Rosaline is more than common tall likely because of the unfeminine height of William Hostler, the actor conjectured to have originated the role. (Shakespeare may have enoyed more than a professional relationship with Hostler who is believed by some scholars to be the enigmatic "Mr. W.H." who is credited as the "onlie begetter" of Shake-Speares Sonnets on the title page of the 1609 quarto).

curtelax: aka "cutlass", a short sword (see Fig. A)

bore-speare: a spear used for boar hunting; it is relatively short and heavy and has two "lugs" or "wings" on the spearsocket behind the blade, which act as a barrier to prevent the spear from penetrating too deeply into the quarry where it might get stuck or break, and to stop an injured and furious boar from working its way up the shaft of the spear to attack the hunter. (See Fig. B)

swashing: swaggering, swashbuckling

martial outside: warlike/brave/valiant appearance

mannish cowards: cowardly men

outface it with their semblances: carry it off with their appearances of bravery

Ganimed: a beautiful boy kidnapped by Jove/Jupiter to be his cupbearer: "the name of a Trojan boy, whom Jupiter so loved (say the poets) as hee took him up to Heaven, and made him his Cup-bearer. Hence any boy that is loved for carnal abuse, or is hired to be used contrary to nature, to commit the detestable sin of Sodomy is called a Ganymede." (See to the Fig. C "The Rape of Ganymede" by After Michelangelo Buonarroti)

Aliena: Because Celia is "alienated" from her father, she chooses the name Aliena, a feminized form of "Alieno" (an alien, a stranger) to reflect her state.

assaid: attempted

travaile: wearisome journey


Fig. A

Fig. B

Fig. C

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