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Act II: French Scene 6

searching of thy wound: Rosalind is saying that witnessing Silvius' own sadness and longing in love reminds her of her own wounded heart, and Touchstone concurs by responding "And mine" and going on to talk about his past relationship. His speech which follows humorously contrasts the high passion of Rosalind and Orlando's relationship with the coarseness of Touchstone's past misadventures.

hard adventure: bad luck

broke my sword upon a stone: In the Clowne's imagination, he casts a stone in the role of his rival and viciously attacks it with his sword. The innuendo of this could be that he may have "broken his sword", i.e. emasculated himself, by lavishing love on a stone, or a hard, unfeeling, or unintelligent person.

comming a night: having an orgasm during sexual intercourse

Jane Smile: Jane, like Joan, is the feminized form of "John". As the commonest of common names, it signifies a coarse, ordinary woman, as well as a woman of loose morals. To Smile is "to look upon one with favour" which suggests that Jane readily granted the favor, i.e. consented to sexual intercourse.

batler: a batler is a club-like wooden tool used to beat laundry, but is could possibly be a variant of a "Batner" or "boulter", a sieve which was a customary dairymaid's tool, which would make sense with the continuation of the sentence and reference to Cowes dugs.

Cowes dugs that her prettie chopt hands had milk'd: The Clowne worships the humble objects that his beloved has touched, including a Cowes dugs, or cow's udder, which also probably refers to a woman's breasts. Because his lady-love is a "cow", meaning a coarse or degraded woman and also a whore, he inverts the idea of a lady's "milk-white hand" calling Jane Smile's hands "copt" meaning chafed and cracked. Hands also can be a euphemism for "genitals" and the Clowne probably fantaizes about Jane's giving him a "milking". 

wooing of a peascod: The peascod, or a peapod, is a symbol of fertility. A man would present a peascod to a woman as token of his affection and if she accepted the gift, she granted permission to woo her. They symbolically represent his cods ("testicles") and peas ("genitals"). 

weare these for my sake: He hopes that she will weare the peascod, with innuendo of genital friction during intercourse, for his sake with a play on "sake" and "sack" or "scrotum".

strange capers: Capers means activities or proceedings. He may also imply that "lovers runne into strange capers" meaning shrubs or flower beds in order to fornicate.

all is mortall in nature, so is all nature in love, mortall in folly: Those in love are mortall (extreme, excessive) in their folly (foolish or absurd ideas or actions), but their nature (affection, sexual desire) is mortall (destined to die). Also, all nature (the genitalia of both sexes) is mortall (long and tedious) in love (sexual intercourse) and folly (lewdness, wantonness).

ware of mine owne wit, till I breake my shins against it: Rosalind uses ware to mean "aware" and the Clowne plays on ware meaning "wary" and says that he will nere (never) be ware (be afraid of) his owne wit (awareness, intelligence) until his breakes my shins (falls against it, it proves an impediment). Neither will he be aware of his own wit meaning "penis" until it (sexual intercourse or vagina) causes him to breake his shins "suffer a sexual mishap", (contract a venereal disease; the shins are proverbially a sit where pox produces painful nodes).

yon'd: yonder

clowne: country fellow, fool

good even: this was used any time after noon

your: Your is a vulgar or dialectic way of saying "you" as in "you, friend" so this may be an attempt of Rosalind to disguise her upper-class accent, but she obviously doesn't do a very good job as Corin points out her gentle breeding soon after. 

entertainment: hospitality

oppressed: exhausted

faints for succour: is becoming weak for want of aid

churlish: miserly

recks: cares, regard, heed

Coate: cottage

bounds of feed: pasture land

sheep-coat: aka sheepcote, a building where sheep shelter

in my voice: as far as I can say

if it stand with honestie: if you can do it honestly

mend: improve

Waste: spend

upon report: report meaning "investigation"; if you like the premises after your investigation/assessment of the property

Feeder: Corin offers to be their "Feeder" as the feeder of their flock, meaning he will stay on the land as a shepherd after they purchase the property, but he will also be their "Feeder" as one who gives food to another by facilitating the business transaction and thus providing them a place to stay and food to eat.

right sodainly: without delay

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